
Monday, September 19, 2011

Real Games!

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. I have been terrible about posting anything, let alone remembering to bring my camera so I can take photos for the blog!

Time to catch up! What have you missed? Nothing much besides lots of RSL games!

RSL played at home twice and now on the road twice and are in the middle of a four-game winning streak. We are also ranked #3 in the nation, securing a spot for us in the MLS cup Championships. We attended both home games and had a BLAST!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bear Lake Trip!

 On Thursday we went up to Bear Lake for the day as part of our vacation. Bubba hadn't been since he was a child and going every year was something we used to do growing up. The drive was perfect and easy, little to no traffic and the only other tourists were the elderly people on tour busses... we had the city to ourselves!

We checked out the marina, enjoyed feeding the fish off the docks and enjoyed our snacks as we sat on the rocks. We checked out Minnetonka cave and were in a tour of seven, a mother-son duo, two sisters in their fifties and a 78-year-old lady who just wanted to check it out. It was so much fun (I wish our guide let me take photos!)

We ate a lunch of sandwhiches and Bear Lake Rasberry shakes and enjoyed the cool weather before heading back home. It was a fantastic day and I am so glad Bubba and I were able to get out, even if it was for a little while!