
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Our Week in Photos

Hey Everyone! It's that time of the week again - time for our week in photos!

Set One
Top Row, Left and Right- Bubba and Baby boy playing!
Middle - Our last photo of our Bunny Taz before he went to his new family on Tuesday

Middle Row, Left - We went to our friends wedding on Thursday evening. Bubba and Brian (a friend from high school) and their kiddos - the boys are 5 weeks apart!
Middle - Bella and Caleb's wedding line, she designed her own dress and looked so beautiful and completely happy! Congrats guys!
Right - Brenda and Regina, a few friends of mine from high school (and twins no less!)

Bottom row, Left - Grandma Terrie and Brayden - with his new facial expression. Its a weird one...
Middle - My note to the guys who are helping us move.
Right - Uncle Bubba Kanoosh and Brayden. So cute. 

Set Two
Top Row - My sister in law Amanda's Baby Shower for Emitt Wyatt baby boy Workman.

Middle Row - Left, Middle - More baby shower photos
Right - The book I won from Erin over at Pretty, Polished Perfect.

Bottom Row, Left - Brayden and my Oma. He loves his Oma so much (would you believe she's 80!? She looks so young! I hope I look that young when I'm her age!)
Middle - Bubba flipping through my new book when I'm not looking. He secretly likes to read.
Right - We found Brayden sacked out in his jumperoo, and being the parents we are had to take a photo before pulling him out!

Hope you had a fantastic week? Did you do anything fun? Share below!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Don't worry, I'm not pregnant, but we do have some VERY BIG NEWS!

We are moving!

Here's the backstory,

We have had a VERY hard time with the neighbor above us, if you are our friend on Facebook or a follower on Twitter you understand how hard of a time we've been having. We've had to call the security and police multiple times because of him. He's a very scary individual.

This morning he had his music on VERY loud at 4:30 this morning. At 5:00 I realized that this wasn't just a short burst of music while getting ready for work and called security. They go home at 5:00 am and wouldn't come out to ask him nicely. I've been instructed by the cops to never speak to the guy, so I waited (as patiently as possible) til 7:00 am, when the phone lines for the complex opened. When they told me it'd be til 9:00 am before they could do anything to help me, I was annoyed. I was so annoyed in fact that I banged against the wall with my fist loudly and yelled up to him, "TURN IT DOWN [insert name]."

Moments later a very loud knock came to the door. The last time someone knocked like that, it was the police, so not thinking I opened it, and there he was. He was holding a mug of coffee, wearing sunglasses (yes, at 7:30 a.m.) and started yelling at me for asking him to turn the music down, because my yelling was "a bother." I HAD IT. I firmly told him to turn the music down and that my family didn't need any more of his crap. He refused and even claimed that "I was in Iraq! I am a war hero! I can play my music as loud as I want to!"

Scared, I started to shut the door, to slam it in his face. He pushed the door open and started to yell again and was calling me 'violent' and 'aggressive'. Suddenly I realized there was someone else there, the neighbor below us. He was yelling the neighbors name and calling him out on harassing me. I sighed a breath of relief as I hurriedly shut my door to just a crack to check on the baby, who was playing quietly. I returned to the door to see the upstairs neighbor ready to go the rounds with me, when the other neighbor grabbed him by the shirt and took him out to the lawn and started yelling. I yelled to both of them if one touched the other I was calling the cops, and frankly, the guy upstairs was going to jail if I did, because we all knew he was "on something."

The neighbor below us told us he'd "take care of it" and they walked in a huff out of sight. His wife came into our apartment with me and we sat and talked. When all was said and done and the upstairs guy was calm and gone the three of us talked, the guy below us, his wife and me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, it was 9:00.

I immediately went down to the leasing office and let them know that I was done with this game. We had put in a deposit to upgrade to a bigger unit in MAY. We'd been on the waiting list and been putting up with this guy for so long and I was annoyed. After almost thirty minutes of going in circles I had to sigh and give up. "Fine," I said. "Then you'll be paying my medical bills for all the chronic migraines I get, the sleep deprivation for my husband and any illness my child gets because we're sleeping 3 hours a night, IF THAT, thanks to him." They told me they'd talk to their managers and attorneys and work it out. I was doubtful if anything would happen to be honest.

Not even an hour later they called me. They'd found us a unit with what we were asking for (and then some to be honest!) and told us our moving date was less than two weeks away.

TWO WEEKS!  When we had asked on Monday we were told the wait would be 5-6 weeks, AT THE LEAST! To have it be within a reasonable time frame... We are so excited! 

So that concludes story time and gets me to my point,


What does this mean for you wonderful people? Well, that means I'll be blogging less and getting ready to move more. Packing, cleaning, all of that fun stuff. We will be taking lots of photos, so plan on seeing photo posts!

Don't give up on us, once we get relocated we will have lots to share and even more blog posts coming your way! 

WIWW: The Lowly Pony

This is the style I always do when I'm camping, and I mean ALWAYS (this started when I was a kiddo). I love this ponytail because it is easy to do, is cute and keeps your hair out of your face while adding volume. 

How to do it:
With your hair down and dry, pull a section from the right side and back onto the crown of your head. Do the same with the left side. Pin in place temporarily. Continue until you reach the base of your neck, secure with an elastic and remove all your bobby pins. Wrap a section of hair around the ponytail and pin in place. Use gel or hairspray to tame flyaways. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tip Tuesday: How to CORRECTLY use Crutches

It's that time of week again, time for Tip Tuesday! This week we are covering another medical topic - how to use crutches- CORRECTLY! This is a topic I've been really wanting to cover because teaching people how to use crutches is a part of my job and I would say about 50% of the population use them incorrectly! 

So I will write it out in my best and most simple advice here, and I'll let Youtube show you the rest! The first bit of advice I'd like to give you is this, should this information be confusing or you just cannot seem to get the hang of it, call a local physical therapist, most of them should offer free consults and will work with you one on one!

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-sponsored post. All opinions and advice given are strictly my own. Seek medical advice from a professional for any questions or concerns. This is not meant to be taken as medical advice, but as information given between friends. I do not and will not claim any liability or responsibility. This is a blog- its meant to be fun folks! 

Assess yourself - Are crutches your best (and safest) option? 

For the most part standard crutches are very safe. The only time they are not safe are for patients that have balance issues, are obese (over 350 lbs usually) or cannot hold themselves up. For patients with balance issues, try to find alternatives if possible, falling can cause more damage to the surgical site as well as other injuries can occur. For patients that are obese, the concern is being able to hold yourself up, you will be pushing UP on the crutches, not leaning down. If you cannot hold up your own body weight, then you shouldn't use crutches. 
If you qualify as someone who probably SHOULDN'T use crutches, then consider other options, such as a wheelchair, asking for a weight bearing brace or (my favorite- they're fun to use) a DonJoy Knee Scooter.  

You're going to be on Crutches - Get fitted!

I hardly ever use the sizing on the side of the crutches to measure to a patient completely. I use it as a guide to get within a few inches of the correct height, but usually, it's not as correct as you want it to be. 
You want the top of the crutch and the bottom of your armpit to be separated by THREE FINGERS. Put your fingers in between. If three fingers fit comfortably, you've fit them correctly. You do this because there are a LOT of nerves in your armpits and on your ribs. Fit the crutches too high, your armpits will be very sore for a few weeks. Fit them too low, it may feel as if you broke a rib! 
If they are the non-standard crutches, such as spring loaded crutches, see a physical therapist to get fitted. 

How to Use Them

First of all, you need to know this: USE YOUR ARMS AND PUSH UP. You need to use your forearms specifically and push down on the hand rests. Do not lean down onto them, stay upright. I tell most women to tuck their butts in, because it makes standing upright easier. 
Next, remember, LEAD WITH THE INJURED SIDE. You do this so that if you step and feel unsteady, you can then fall back onto your good foot. Walking on crutches is usually not an issue in you are young, healthy and able to hold yourself up.

If you have to use stairs, remember GOOD LEG GOES TO HEAVEN, BAD LEG GOES TO HELL. This means simply that you'll hop up the stairs leading with your good foot, and going down leading with the bad. Use a handrail if possible at all times. Take the second crutch and either double it under your armpit without the handrail or turn one crutch sideways and the other crutch the normal way. By doing it this way, you'll provide a small amount of safe space for you, because people won't bump into you without getting hit themselves. 

After surgery there is one thing I tell everyone: If you are on pain medication, don't be afraid to simply scoot up and down the stairs on your butt. Most people get woozy or feel dizzy on pain medication and that puts them at risk of falling. Avoid that by going up and down the stairs on your butt!
Good luck and if you have any questions, call a physical therapist to work with you specifically! 

Now for the videos!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to make Uno Magnets

Growing up we all had them, the big alphabet magnets on mom and dads fridge. I'd sit at the fridge and leave messages for the family, even as an adult. I'd play with them in the kitchen while mom made dinner. Magnets were a fun part of my childhood. 

So when I came across a pack of mini uno cards at Wal-Mart for less than a dollar, I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do with it. 

What You'll Need:
Mini Deck of Cards
Magnets (small round ones)
Hot Glue Gun and Glue

How to do it: 
Organize the cards in the pattern you'd like them. I used lots of varieties, color coded, mixed, numerical order, etc. 
Fan out with your fingers and add a dab of hot glue to the bottom left corner. Hold down with your thumb (be careful of glue gun burns!). 
Once cool, add your magnet to the back by placing hot glue on the magnet and adhering to the back of the cards. Let cool, then put on your fridge and enjoy!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Week in Photos

Its the weekend - which means it is time for our week in photos! 

I found a new format for adding all my photos instagram style via Picmonkey. Have you checked out PicMonkey? You totally should!

1. Brayden in his tuxedo onesie.
2. Momma Sherri (my mother in laws BFF) dancing with Brayden at the wedding.
3. What do grandparents do? Give you cupcakes!
4. Me and Brayden dancing at the wedding. He was my only dance too!
5. Our little family.
7-9 Brayden dancing to "Sexy and I know it" with his daddy.

1. Little man LOVING the pool!
2. Grandma cheering him on.
3. His first facial expression when he got into the pool, he didn't know what to think!
4. Grandma and Brayden chatting while swimming.
5. Check out his super-cute swimsuit - found it at Target!
6. Isn't his Grandma Terrie the cutest?
7-8 Big cheesy smile
9. When he got used to the water he just spread out and tried to float.

1. Daybreak Carshow
2. Thats the Batmobile. Not kidding.
3. That is a motorcycle gas tank inside a car
4. The sign says "PMS" and "Don't touch me, I'm not that kind of car."
5-7. Pretty cars. I LOVE older cars/trucks.
8. Sunset at Daybreak.
9. The Shocktop Bug. It's been at Gas Stations all over the valley!

1. Brayden eating Melon with Grandma
2. Monica's Bridal Shower Luncheon. (Congrats Miss Monica!)
3. Brayden discovering grass! He loved it.
4 & 6 Daddy enjoying a sucker
5. Brayden tried to enjoy it too, but his mouth was too small.
7 & 9 The Sarratoga Springs Fire
8. Sunrise on my commute to work. 

Hope you had a fantastic week! 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Five-Layer Lady Fingers

With my work uniform being so strict I cannot do much to spice it up... but I CAN do my nails! 

Using 5 different colors of nail polish I created this fun and glam look for my fingers. 

I actually have NONE of the names of the colors, but I did them in color code order:

Purple Glitter
Dark pink glitter
Light pink glitter
Base glitter (off-white)
White / Pearl glitter

The polish came off really easy to boot- which made me a really happy girl! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

WIWW: Summer Makeup

When I try new makeup trends, I look for two things, one of them being simplicity. I work in healthcare and they ask that you wear little to no makeup at all times. Secondly I also look for something that makes me look bright eyed, awake and ready for the day. 

This is what I call my "summer eyes," or even sunset eyes. It is super easy to do and makes your eye color pop while looking awake. 

You'll need a shade of skin-tone makeup as a base, then a white for the inside of your eyes. Line the bottom of your eyes as well with the white. 

Lastly, take an orange, peach or pink and line the middle of your top lid and sweep onto the outside of your eye. This color will make the color of your eyes pop, while the white and base will make your eyes look open and more awake.

There you have it! Beautiful summer eyes!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Kyle & Brittany's Wedding

On Saturday we went to Kyle and Brittany Green's wedding. It was a BEAUTIFUL night and everything was fantastic! I wanted to get photos of the wedding, but the photographer at the Reception hall asked me not to, which I guess I can understand. That being said, he can't stop me from taking photos of my family enjoying the festivities and fun! 

From Row: Our little family - Brayden is growing up so fast! I love my little family!

Grandpa struck again! Little dude got cupcake frosting! (More got on his face than in his tummy thankfully!) Grandpa cannot be left unattended.

 Middle Row: My dance partner was my son. Best dance EVER. 

Little dude has a tuxedo onesie. Everyone thought it was cute!

Daddy helped Brayden dance to "Sexy and I know it." He was smiling the whole time.

Bottom Row: This adorable little gal thought Brayden was the cutest thing ever, and hardly left his side. He had a new friend and flirted a TON with her. We are in so much trouble!

Momma Sherri and Brayden dancing.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Tip Tuesday: What to Wear - When You're Having Surgery

So you've got a surgery or medical procedure coming up and are thinking of all the big issues at hand- what it will be, the pain afterwards, why you need it, time off work, but when it comes down to the day of surgery, it is what you wear and how you wear it that will make all the difference, so for Tip Tuesday, I'm going to share my best tips and tricks to make you feel great, comfortable and sensible! 

Makeup:Wear little to none the day of surgery. 

  • Mostly, go without eye makeup. Sometimes when you go under anesthesia they will tape your eyes shut to protect them, keep them moist and the like. That being said, your eyes will sweat and you will look like a raccoon when you wake up.  
  • Foundation, base, blush and lipgloss are all fine. Keep it plain, the medical staff doesn't care and your family won't mind! 

HairThis is a tough one to give advice on, because everyone is different. 

  • The best advice I can give is this: if you will be without a hand or arm for weeks to months post-op, get it cut short. The patients I have had that have done that are always happy that they've done it because they can do their own hair. Most donate it to locks of love even!
  • If you put it in a ponytail, put it in a very high ponytail (think pebbles or Bam Bam) or a very low ponytail. If you have it in the middle of your head you may wake up with a headache from lying on it wrong for hours. 
  • Take out any metal that is in your hair. Extensions included. I've had patients complain that their hair smells like it was burnt where a bobby pin was left in. If you've ever burnt your hair, you know, it STINKS! Take it out!
Shirts: This one is probably one of the easier parts!
  • Keep the shirt loose fitting and comfortable. The most comfortable patients wear workout shirts, such as older, larger t-shirts or the silky workout tops available at Target or such. Make it easy to put on and make sure you feel comfortable, the more comfortable you are, the better!
  • If you're having a shoulder or arm operated on, wear a tank top with larger sleeves, a spaghetti strap tank or even a tube top. All will make it possible to dress yourself post up with one arm. Make sure it is one size larger than your usual, just in case the sling doesn't want to cooperate correctly. If it is winter you can layer with a jacket and only put it on one arm, tucking the sleeve into the sling.
  • Men, the same rule applies, but men's tanks usually have large arm holes so it is easier for them. 
Pants/Shorts: Getting fit for the right bottoms can be the most important part! 
  • If you are having your foot, knee, ankle or hip operated on, this is very important. WEAR BAGGY BOTTOMS. For foot and ankle surgery, you can still wear long sweatpants with no issue, but make sure it is 1-2 sizes larger than your normal. If you MUST wear your normal size, then make sure the bottoms flare out or roll one pant leg up to make room for your boot. 
  • If you are having a knee or hip surgery it may be easiest to wear basketball shorts. It has been advised to borrow a males shorts, a husband, boyfriend, brother, father. They are usually larger than you and it will fit well. 
  • Make sure you have pockets in them, if you have a nerve block they can put the pump in your pocket, making it so you wont have to carry it. This can work for almost any small piece of equipment you may have to have carried with you at all times (drains, telemetry devices, etc). 
Shoes: They're a girls best friend and a surgeon's worst nightmare. What are your best options?
  • Flip flops are GREAT during the summer, easy to get on, you can put them on yourself post-op and they work out awesome for everyone. 
  • If you cannot stand flip-flops, opt for slip on shoes such as Vans, Toms, or Keds. Sneakers are ALWAYS a great option. 
The biggest goals with surgery and fashion are being able to dress yourself after surgery - at the hospital AND at home, comfort - less clothing pain, more ability to heal and usefulness! If you dress properly to surgery most of the time they doctors will let you wear your own clothes in hospital, making it an easier stay for you! 

Hope this helps, and happy Tip Tuesday!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

On Becoming a Daddy

Bubba has no interest in being a father. His biggest interest is becoming a daddy. At my Oma's house there is a sign that sums up his thoughts and feelings on the topic, "Anyone can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a Daddy." Bubba actually took a picture of it and saved it to his phone. Every time he see's the sign he smiles, he loves the thought that he can be a daddy. 

Bubba is by far the best daddy I've ever seen. He's always so happy to see Brayden and is full of smiles, hugs, kisses, and TV watching time in your underwear. (Yes, my four month old and husband watch TV in their underwear together). He loves watching little man grow and is so helpful with him when it comes to the things I'd like to get done. 

Bubba hardly puts Brayden down. Since the day he was born it's been a silly fight to get a hold of my baby, because daddy always has is boy. Brayden knows he is loved by his daddy. Daddy is also the only person that can get Brayden to fall asleep at night, and Brayden will only get up with daddy at night, because daddy will snuggle him and get him back to sleep in minutes. If mommy tries, its game over and he's up for the day. 

Nothing in the world beats the smile on baby boys face when he sees his daddy. Bubba, thats how you know you're doing a good job, when you see that big, toothless, tongue-sticking-out smile on your child's face. Thats how you know. 

Bubba, you are a daddy, and a damn good one at that. Happy Fathers Day. Brayden and I love you so much! 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Our Week in Photos

We had a busy week to say the least, but here are a few of my favorite photos from the week! 

Main photo: Daddy and Brayden. Happy Fathers day hun! You are the best daddy anyone could ask for! 

From top to left: When your daddy is a certified LEO, you get put in uniforms. We think its adorable, so it'll probably keep happening. Cutest little officer EVER! 

The view from my parking stall at work. So pretty, every mornig. 

While visiting daddy on lunch break Brayden got a chance to play with the steering wheel. He loved it! 

The three of us taking a break from Saturday's chores to take a photo. SMILE!

While at Sears trying to get my car fixed, daddy gave baby a piggyback ride. Little man loved it, and so did the big man. 

Finally, this photo. Look at those eyes! It reminds me of Dos Equis for some reason. "I don't always drink milk, but when I do, it's delicious. Stay thirsty, my friends." 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wear It Wednesday: Dirty Hair Fix

This week I wanted to show off what I do on my "mommy days". Mommies know those days, when the baby is super fussy, when there's a lot to do and washing hair isn't one of them, when you're priority is being a MOM. Those days.

I won this fantastic headband (the flower was removable and I love that I can use it for more than one hairstyle!) from Antique Plaza. When I want to look like I've done SOMETHING even though I've done nothing, I pull my hair up into a ponytail or bun and clip the flower into place! Ta-Da! Instantly, I look a little bit better, and feel a little bit better too!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Brett Dennen - Ain't No Reason

There ain't no reason things are this way
It's how they've always been and they intend to stay
I can't explain why we live this way -We do it every day

Preachers on the podiums speaking the sayings
Prophets on the sidewalk begging for change
Old ladies laughing from the fire escape - Cursing my name

I got a basket full of lemons and they all taste the same
A window and a pigeon with a broken wing
You could spend your whole life working for something
Just to have it taken away

People walk around pushing back their debts
Wearing paychecks like necklaces and bracelets
Talking about nothing, not thinking 'bout death
Every little heartbeat, every little breath

People walk a tight rope on a razors edge
Carrying their hurt and hatred and weapons
It could be a bomb, or a bullet or a pen
Or thought, or a word or a sentence

There ain't no reason things are this way
It's how they've always been and they intend to stay
I don't know why I say the things I say - But I say them anyway

But love will come, set me free
Love will come, set me free, I do believe
Love will come, set me free, I know it will
Love will come, set me free, yes

Prison walls still standing tall
Some things never change at all
Keep on building prisons, gonna fill them all
Keep on building bombs, gonna drop them all

Working your fingers bare to the bone
Breaking your back, make you sell your soul
Like a lung, it's filled with cold - Suffocating slow

The wind blows wild and I may move
The politicians lie and I am not a fool
You don't need no razor or a three piece suit - To argue the truth

They air on my skin in the world under my toes
Slavery stitched to the fabric of my clothes
Chaos and commotion wherever I go - Love I try to follow

Love will come, set me free
Love will come, set me free, I do believe
Love will come, set me free, I know it will
Love will come, set me free, yes

There ain't no reason things are this way
It's how they've always been and they intend to stay
I can't explain why we live this way - We do it every day

Monday, June 11, 2012

DIY Summer Hemp Bracelet

I don't know about your neck of the woods but summertime has officially come to Utah! What a better way to start the summer than by showing off how to make the perfect summer hemp bracelet?  I learned how to do this ages ago, and is really easy to do! Growing up, we made these as friendship bracelets!  

What You'll Need: 
Hemp - available at any store

How to do it:
Wrap around your wrist AT LEAST four times and cut to length. You should have some leftover thread, which is what you want - less means you'll actually be able to finish the bracelet! 

Create a loop at the top of your bracelet and spread out your four strands. 
Strand One, set to the left, strand two and three set together in the middle, strand four is set to the right. Now, using strand one, loop in under the two strands in the middle. Lay flat. Strand four is looped under the tail of strand one, over strands two and three and then loop into strand one. Pull tightly. (It should look like folded arms). Continue and watch it as it curls itself! 

Once you're finished, tie off and enjoy!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Photos from Our Week!

Photo Set One: Brayden- EXACTLY 4 months old! He's getting so big!
Two of our Black Ninjas just eating sunflower seeds. They never pose, they're just naturally that cute!
Lastly, halfway through a practice/scrimmage coach yells "HOLY CRAP! LOOK AT THAT CLOUD!" Both teams stopped to see what coach was talking about, including me who took a photo.

Photo Set Two: Scottish Festival! First photo is of the Mass Bands, when all the bands play at once.
Photo two is of Bubba and little dude watching the Utah Pipe Band play
Last photo is of the Salt Lake Scots, who performed very well today.

Hope you have a great week!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Crock Pot Creamy Chicken

I got this recipe from my mother-in-law and it is a definite family favorite. My husbands side of the family adores it and my side of the family has found it one of the best recipes they've discovered in years!

What You'll Need;
1 package of Chicken breasts
1 package of Cream cheese
2 cans cream of Chicken soup
1 package Good Seasons Italian Seasoning

In a crock pot add all the ingredients. Cook on high for 6 hours and on low for 4 hours. Stir occasionally, or as you prefer. Serve over white rice. If you'd like the chicken shredded and moist, stir more frequently.

Serve and Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Customize Your Nail Polish

Do you ever just stare at your polish and WISH you had the perfect color? Well don't go out and spend money, mix what you have to create new polish colors! 

What you'll need: 
Two colors to mix
Toothpick or lipstick brush you won't re-use
3 Cupcake liners

Put colors into the cupcake liner and mix well. Add colors as needed and stir, then put on nails! Now, enjoy your custom nail polish! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May Media Review

The month of May was super busy, and we still found time to smash some media into it all! Here's my reviews of all of it. 


Me Talk Pretty One Day - David Sedaris

If you haven't ever read a book that is "creative non-fiction" I urge you to do so! If you have, you know the fun and hilarity that can come with these books! David Sedaris has a dry, hilarious and REAL LIFE sense of humor. He is someone that everyone needs to read at least once!

His other book I read part of this month is great too (Holidays on Ice). I was introduced to it in a college course, which was surprising for me, but I am eternally thankful for.

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

Yeah, yeah, I know, I am late to this game, but I finally got my hands on a copy of it and dove right into it. I am LOVING IT. It is a great book that shockingly reads exactly as the movie played out, so I was able to enjoy both very much!

I did enjoy the book better than the movie, simply because it had all of Katniss's thoughts and emotions so I could read the story line better than the movie. Cannot wait to borrow the next two books!

En Route - Kelly Grayson

If you aren't familiar with Mr. Grayson via his blog, check it out at Ambulance Driver Files.

He is a Paramedic from Louisiana who writes about how he got into EMS, the adventures that come with it and the story of his life. Being a medical professional myself I was able to relate well with this novel and enjoy what was being told to me. He does speak in a lot of medical jargon so be aware of that when you pick this up to read.


Gossip Girl

I watched Gossip Girl, finally. I watched the first episode way back when and I enjoyed it, but just couldn't get excited over it then.

Now that it is on Netflix I was able to sit down and watch it. It was actually really good - lots of twists and turns, mixed with really good fashion and good ole' fashion drama! I watched Seasons 1-4 and hope that there are more coming (the end of season 4 had a HORRIBLE cliffhanger!)

No Strings Attached

After reading the story line, I was hesitant to watch it, but after hubs started watching it I wanted to as well! Ashton played the part he always plays in romantic comedies, and Natalie played a doctor who just wants to play.

Between the medical humor, the romantic comedy and the actors, I really, really liked the show! Shockingly, I would buy it and watch it again!


Springsteen - Eric Church

The Deed and the Dollar - Shooter Jennings

Almost Lover - A Fine Frenzy 

Aint No Reason - Brett Dennen

What did you watch last month? What did you enjoy?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Our Week[end] in photos!

Cleaning out boxes and prepping for moving - little dude helped too!

Post water-fight at the soccer BBQ

The three coaches for the two teams!

Saturday mornings soccer match, snoozing in the stroller. He looks like a turtle!

A true boy!

His first sucker! I think he likes it!


Hope you had a awesome weekend!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

S'Mores on a Stick & a BBQ

We had a big BBQ on Friday for the end-of-the-season for the soccer team Bubba helps coach. We were asked to bring a dessert to share with everyone - so I decided to make the S'Mores on a stick! (And A LOT of them - over 150!) 

What you'll need:
Marsh-mellows (the bigger the better!)
Milk Chocolate (or semi-sweet, but add milk when melting it to make it smoother)
Graham crackers
Kabob sticks

How to do it:
Using wire cutters cut the tip of the kabob stick off, (childproof the stick basically!) and then cut in half. Stick into the marsh-mellow, going as deep into it as possible without piercing through the other end of the marsh-mellow. 

Melt chocolate, we used our fondue pot to do so and it worked better than when we've tried to on the stove. While chocolate is melting crumble your graham crackers into a bowl. The finer, the better!

Once chocolate is ready and your crackers are crumbled, dip marsh-mellows into the chocolate and immediately into the crackers (while its still warm). Repeat until finished. 

If you know it'll be warm out and you want to keep them from melting quickly, place them into the fridge for about 20 minutes before you leave. It helped them survive the hot car ride over to the park and the warm evening! 

The BBQ was a hit and the kiddos loved the S'Mores! We had a great time hanging with the kiddos and our friends and really had fun playing soccer with them in a grown-up vs. kiddo scrimmage! 

Last photo I want to show you is of my hubby and my adorable baby... warning, this is a cuteness overload! 

Hope you have a great weekend!

Friday, June 1, 2012

White Chocolate Sugar Cookies

The other night my husband told me he was craving something with white chocolate in it. I took to the cupboard and found that we had almost three bags of white chocolate chips, but alas, nothing I would usually make. No strawberries to dip it in... no brownies to make, all I seemed to have was a package of sugar cookie mix. With a warning, I told my husband my plan and took to making them. 

They were surprisingly good and tasted great! Perfect if you need a white-on-white sugary treat!