
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Emma's First Birthday!

On Saturday we had the chance to go to my brother and sister in laws home in Logan for my niece's first birthday! The whole day was just wonderful and I am thrilled Rachel understands me and my blog, or me taking these photos would've seemed so strange to her! I HAVE to show you guys how cute this party was though guys, she did such a great job!

Our party favors - Cupcakes in a jar! So adorable!

And this cake! Darling! I love the martini glass with M&M's (a nice touch, and kept the little fingers out of it!), the photo of the birthday girl is darling and the cupcake cake... I LOVE IT! 

Opening presents. Miss Emma is well loved! I just adore this photo of Rachel - so beautiful!

The high chair was decorated perfectly as well! And the cake photos begin... I just love her face. Even when eating a big ole birthday cake, little miss Emma is a lady! 

Psst. This is her "digging in" to the cake. So lady like!
Meanwhile, my son is in the corner doing this... 


  1. New follower from the Friday chaos!
    Love your blog :) x
    She is a cutie! X

  2. Also a new follower, same Friday Chaos.
    She is so pretty! I also have a one year old girl. So i just had also the first party.
    My blog is:

  3. OH MY GOSH! LOL... look at that huge cupcake... how cute! Happy birthday, Emma :)

  4. The party favors are so eye catching...and that HUGE cupcake lol.

    Handmade at Warratahstree

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Cupcakes in a jar?! You don't see that everyday. To think I haven't gotten over canned bread, heheh. Anyway, that's some great feast you had for Emma, with the whole cupcake theme and the chips! Could use a little bit of pizza though; they haven't had THOSE in cans or jars yet, as far as I know, so that should be fun for variety. Plus, pizza rules and I can't live without them, so yeah I'm biased ;)
