
Friday, May 31, 2013

Swiss Chicken

It was a desperate night, where dinner had to be made, groceries were running low, and I only had a few moments to prepare and cook it before husband came home. It was in that desperate moment that we discovered the Swiss Chicken recipe. 

What you'll need:
2-4 chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup + 1 can water
Swiss Cheese slices (about 4-8 slices total)
Bread Crumbs

How to do it:
In a baking dish, spray with cooking spray. Lay chicken breasts out in dish, cover each breast with a piece of Swiss cheese. Add Salt or Pepper if desired (I did not do this part because I wanted to wait and see what the flavor would be- frankly, it didn't need it.)
In a separate bowl, mix the cream of chicken soup and the water. Pour over chicken in dish well.
Cover with bread crumbs. This will take about 3-4 slices of bread.
Bake covered at 350 for 60 minutes, then uncovered for 30 minutes.

We added Swiss cheese on top of the chicken once cooked for extra ooey-gooey-goodness. We're cheese-a-holics, what can we say? 



  1. Such a creative and fun idea. Looks delicious. I love Swiss cheese. Saw you on the blog hop. Come say hi sometime! Xoxo

  2. I am going to try this :)

