
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Workman Weds: Mothers Day

This year Mother's Day was stretched out over an entire weekend. We were able to do so much in so little time, and I am so thankful we have the ability (read: endurance) to do it all!

My mothers day was on Thursday. Bubba took Brayden to the mall and went on a random adventure to find my gift. He told me a secret, the people who worked at the stores honed in on him and tried to up-sell him. He told me he was thankful I'm not a prissy woman, because in his words "girls buy some expensive stuff!"

He ended up buying me the most beautiful maxi skirt, some studded earrings, and made dinner to boot! It was a great night, and little dude was happy. While they were gone I was able to get some cleaning and cooking done for the next little while. I was very excited.

Friday I was able to have a girls night with my cousin, my ONLY cousin, Emily. She and I went for Mexican food, enjoyed laughs and conversation and painted our nails. It was a great night, and little dude got to hang out with Omie, Opa and Daddy, before coming home to play with Momma and Emily.

Saturday was busy! Besides the typical morning of helping Oma with her yardwork and housework chores, (and a work out for Momma, I take Brayden for about a 1 1/2-2 mile walk through the SLC Avenues), we went to Bubba's soccer game. The game was rough, the opposing team played dirty, and the ref was playing the game in fear of the sport - thanks to the asshole that injured a ref and killed him last week. After about 60 minutes of pushing, shoving, an injured elbow and a sprained wrist, Bubba had enough. He (plays as the keeper) had the ball, picked it up, and the guy didn't stop running, so Bubba turned down his shoulder and the guy flipped up and over him. Bubba felt justified, the game finally was somewhat leveled-out, and everything worked out- except for the tie game.

We then had to head to dinner with some dear friends for a farewell dinner. We had never been to Market Street Grill, and we were so excited to get to try out with friends. It was actually, wait for it, my co-workers. They rock and I was so excited to go out with them. We enjoyed great stories, seafood, laughs, and after dinner, a beautiful night walk through Salt Lake City. The streets were empty and the weather perfect. I could not have asked for a better night!

The next day we were to have all the Mothers Day activities crammed into one. We started the day off with breakfast with my Oma, my dad, my mom and brother. Breakfast was great, and after nearly being in a food coma, my dad decided we ought to enjoy the beautiful morning in Salt Lake City.

So we went down to City Creek Mall (Which was closed, with the exception of the fountains), enjoyed the day, enjoyed the quiet, and little dude got to enjoy the fountains. If you've never been to City Creek, you need to go. It is so beautiful and so peaceful. I just love it.

After that we headed home, ready to take a nap, which was exactly what we did. We enjoyed some quiet time at home, then went over to the Workmans for their Mother's Day fun.

My mother-in-law had a hankering for some thats what we had for supper! It was fantastic and so much fun to go over, help make Thanksgiving Dinner and to enjoy some time with family. We ended up hanging out, enjoying food, talking, and looking at the family photos we finally got back from Sears (long story there). We laughed, danced, and even gave my husband a haircut. Over all it was fantastic, and we got to enjoy everyone we know and love in our lives this weekend.

Happy Mothers Day! I hope you enjoyed it!

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