
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What can we say, we're an RSL family.

We took little dude to the RSL game against the Chicago Fire over Memorial Day weekend. We had an extra seat, and know he loves soccer and his Daddy and Uncle Bubba who were joining us.
Plus it was an excuse to be silly and spoil him. And as a mommy, I love to be silly and spoil my kiddo. 

We enjoyed a dinner of McDonalds (chicken nuggets man!) and went over to the stadium where Brayden enjoyed piggybacks from the boys an juice while we enjoyed warm-ups. We got him a pretzel as a snack (we're super healthy in our family, can't you tell?), and enjoyed the game. We scored a few photos before, and at half-time.

I adore our family photo where he is crying. Frankly, he's crying because we didn't let him wander around with everyone else at halftime and instead took a photo of us having a blast. He was really enjoying the game, obviously. Uncle Bubba kept things fun, he made silly noises and faces with him, gave him popcorn and ice cream to share and snack on, and even took him to see Leo the Lion (who I think Uncle Bubba liked WAY more than Brayden).
I think he wins Uncle of the year award. 

Overall it was a great time, great game, wonderful company, happy baby, and RSL tied! I love nights like those, don't you? 

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