My parents wanted to go as well, and they provided the transportation there for Bubba and I. Thank goodness, cause I don't think I could've handled dealing with that kind of craziness! If you decide to go in the future make sure you are willing to park a few blocks away- anything close to it is insanely packed and busy! (Unlike West Jordan's carnival, which held plenty of legal parking spots -way to go WJ!)
They did have much better rides though, and I noticed that the company that held this carnival was based out of Plesant Grove, UT, unlike the one hosted in West Jordan, which was based off of the east coast. Between all the rides, the friendly Carnies and the colors, it was a perfect night to have a camera!

Some of the locals that lived near the park had purchased fireworks that shot off high in the sky as well. They shot theirs off before the firework show and gave us all a cute and fun sneek peek of all the fun that was awaiting us.

Whoever was the pyrotech on this show really knew how to make an audience sit and stare. There were several moments of "Oh, I think this is the grand finale!", but then he'd fire off some more and keep us all interested for whatever was next. Whoever it was, was definitley a talented pyrotech.
The variety of fireworks was neat too, the colors were so bright and the shapes and the way he shot them in orders was beautiful. Needless to say, Riverton City's Fireworks did NOT disappoint!
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