Our photos, in order from top to bottom (left to right); Our family photo from the game. I love the top photo because of Brayden's body language, it's as if he is saying "We are REAL! And tonight, WE RIDE!"
Next row, another family photo, this one a better one of Bubba and I. Opa, Bubba and Brayden, all having fun. Brayden kept sticking his fist into the air, so Opa wanted to make sure it stayed there.
Last row, the RSL sign, and Brayden sacked out on his daddy at halftime. He was so tired!
Now for the video, we had a camera guy come up to our section and a mom was sitting in front of us with five kids. ALL the kids flipped out and the camera crew actually told them "sorry, but we want a video of the baby." They were really upset, but it was so cool for us, because we didn't even THINK something like that would happen. They fed it to the jumbotron AND to television! We wanted to see either one, and couldn't get a copy or see a video to save our lives!
At work on Thursday a doctor came from the OR and tells me that he saw me on the recap video and that my baby was cute. "Recap video?" He didn't explain, but my phone was BLOWING UP. I checked it out, RSL's webpage had a video, so did Seattles, so did the MLS. All a video that included my little family.
Well, I finally found a copy of it, and here it is! What a fun and exciting fourth of July!
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