After a google session I found this method to cleaning your stove top. It takes two ingredients, some patience and no chemicals at all!
What you will need:
Baking Soda

Cleaning Rag
How to:
Make a paste from mixing the Baking Soda and the water. If you prefer a more coarse solution, it needs to be 3/4th's baking soda and 1/4th's water. I used a container (pictured) to measure it out.
Now, mix, put on stove and scrub! Some spots took a lot more elbow grease than others (to be totally expected), but I got the stove totally clean!
As for the covers, since there was more crap on them than the stove or under the burners, I soaked them in warm water while I scrubbed the stove. Then, I took the baking soda and placed it on top of all of them while I scrubbed them one at a time.

When you are done, wipe clean and dry completely before reassembling the stove top.
When I was done the stove was clean and the covers were super shiny. I loved this method (and will use it more often so it doesn't take as long) because I had all the things I needed in my kitchen, and NO CHEMICALS! Perfect for what I wanted, which was to clean without using harsh chemicals around the new baby!
My least favorite choir, but funny enough I'm doing it now! Never tried applying the baking soda directly but I'll sure give it a try next time. I boil mine in water for 10 minutes with vinegar and than add baking soda, boil for 5 more and than scrub.