On Feb 6th, I went to the hospital to be induced. They decided to do an induction due to my high blood pressure and insane amount of swelling (I had gained ten lbs of swelling in a week alone!). We got there that night, checked in and got the cervadil. It was time to have a baby.

It was a long night with lots of craziness. (BP too high, BP too low, question if I could even have the epidural, pulse too high, baby's pulse too low). Finally about three a.m., my water broke. By eight a.m., I was 5cm dilated. By nine a.m., I was at a ten. By ten a.m., it was Bubba, my doctor, two nurses and I, all working towards getting Baby here.
He was born at 10:30 am, on Feb 7th. He is the most perfect little boy ever, and the most active baby anyone has ever seen. He was 6 lbs, 12 oz, and 19 inches long. He has my nose and my husbands eyes. He is already such a funny little boy and makes us smile, even when its three in the morning and he is screaming. We are so glad he is finally here.
Welcome to the world baby boy! We love you!
He is the cutest. I can see why this was your favorite post of the month. Pure perfection.
Such a little cutie.