After the concert we wandered around Temple Square. We watched the film titled "Joseph Smith, the Prophet" and hiked down to Gateway afterwards for some lunch.
In the process I destroyed my heels from the blisters and to top it off, once we got down to Gateway we ran into a VERY familiar face...
Luckily, they were more than happy to help me find some new flip flops so I wasn't in agony with my heels anymore. We scored some for $2.13 and on we went to lunch.
We listened to an organ recital afterwards back at Temple Square and got a chance to meet up with my dear friend Mat, who luckily lives a few blocks away and made it just in time! We wandered the temple grounds and talked about the church. He's a convert and a very educated individual, as well as a hilarious person as well. We joked about some of the most ridiculous things (steeple surfing!), watched some more videos around the visitors centers and bid adeu.
It was a wonderful day-date and if you have the chance to go to Temple Square, go on a Sunday. It is so peaceful, quiet, and beautiful!
Hope you had a fabulous weekend!
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