Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Brayden - Six Months Old


Today you are six months old.
I wanted to post this blog post exactly when you were born, but we decided to take a walk instead. (For the record, it was 10:30 exactly when you were born). 

I cannot believe you are six months old today! I cannot believe how big you are getting, how animated you are, and how big your personality is! 
You love music, and sing in the car with me when we drive to Omas in the morning, you love your floor gym piano and giggle when we call you baby Mozart. 
You love soccer and will fight everything (including sleep) to watch soccer. You cheer daddy on when he plays and steal the ball when the game is over.
You love green beans, and hate pears. You're the biggest pain to feed, but the food beard on your face afterwards is well worth the laugh. 
You refuse to try to crawl, but love to try to walk. You've discovered throwing toys and how to blow raspberries. 
I love you kiddo, and am loving having you here and watching you grow! 
Love you forever, Mommy and Daddy. 

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