Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Girls Guide to Shootin'

On Saturday Morning Bubba and I went shootin' with our friends Scott and Lana. A lot of girls don't get the luxury of great training, so I wanted to put together a list of things that I think all girls need to know about guns and gun safety.

(I've been taught by a gun guru, an ARMY guy and a guy who is LEO Certified, so I feel I do have a little ground to stand on here.)

The Girls Guide to Shootin'. 

  • Fear means you respect the gun. If your guy calls you a  wuss, then he doesn't respect you and you both shouldn't be shooting. Learn to clean the gun first. Also, learn to load the weapon before you ever shoot it. Learn the sights, how to aim, etc.
  • Go shooting at a range or a place designated for shooting. Luckily we know where the places designated for it are and only go there. If you don't know or are unfamiliar, ask around. They can tell you are the gun stores or places like Cabelas, Bass Pro Shops or Sportsmans Warehouse.
  • Wear appropriate clothes while shooting. Tennis shoes, old jeans and an old tee shirt is appropriate. Heels, nice jeans, nice blouses, etc are not. Guns are messy and and locations you can go shooting will be messy too. Clothes will be stained. 
  • NEVER SHOOT A ROCK. So many people make this mistake and the bullets will ricochet and after that, heaven knows where it will go. NEVER shoot while drinking. Another mistake so many people make. If we go shooting and people are drinking (either around us or with us) we leave. 
  • Safety is our number one priority. We ALWAYS wear hearing protection (I usually wear Bubbas cans, he wears plugs), Eye protection (sunglasses, safety glasses, etc) and ALWAYS check our area before and after shooting. We only shoot at clay pigeons, wood, or plastic. People do a lot of dumb things while shooting, and if you don't practice safe shooting, you'll get hurt. Simple as that. 
For those of you gun- savvy what would you add to the list? 

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